Blueprint Set up Tutorial (in photoshop)

It has been a while since I post any tutorial on this blog.So today,I will be explaining my way on handling with blueprints before it is being used in 3ds max for reference. Up until now I experimented with many kinds of ways but this the one that gives the best result is as in explaination below. So,enough jibber-jabbering lets move on to the steps.. First,lets look at the blueprint that we will be using.. Nissan Skyline R34 Calsonic   Its JDM yeayyy!!!!………. Its Nissan Skyline R34 Calsonic. I believe it actually comes from a plamo guide book.Wutever..So,you need to open this in adobe photoshop because we will be seperating this blueprint into 4. Front view, Top view, Side view, Rear view. open it in photoshop..I am using Adobe photoshop CS4. 2013-03-03_123319   After you’ve had opened it,we will start from the side view. so, grab a rectangular marquee tool and select the side view of the car.Make sure your selection is tight enough that it nearly touches any protruding part of the car, just like showned below.’Transform Selection’ tool is very handy at this stage. 2013-03-03_123433     After you have done selecting,make sure you click ‘copy’ or press ‘ctrl+c’ before you move on. Then,click File>New.. you should have something like this. 2013-03-03_123631   Click ‘ok’.Notes that the canvas size on your new window fits perfectly with the selected region on the blueprint.This is merely because it create new canvas based on the selected canvas size region that you just copied….So,moving on, press ‘ctrl+v’ or right click and click ‘paste’.You should have something that looks like this. ps:If after clicking new, it does not automatically give you a canvas fitting the copied region, all you need to do is click paste first, then use the ‘Magic Wand Tool’ to select the white areas or the background areas around the car, and then choose invert selection, then crop.then you will get the same result as this one. 2013-03-03_123656   There you so that it will be easier for us to align the blueprints in 3ds max, we need to change the canvas size so that all views have the same size.We can see that the length of the side view or top view is the longest one compared to front and, we can just the length of the side view above for reference. For now,click  Image>canvas size or press ‘Alt+Ctrl+C’ and you will have something that looks like this.


Notice that the width of the canvas currently is 548 pixels.For easier handling of the file,change it to we wanted to use a square size,not a rectangular size of canvas,so change the height to 600 pixels too.

Click ok, and you will have something like this.


Its done..Now save the file with desired name.I used ‘Side View’ for the name.

Next, do the same step for the other views.Below is how I set up the selection region of the others.




At this point since we used the canvas size of 600×600 for the side view,make sure you also use 600×600 for other views. Then you will have something like this.

2013-03-03_124010 2013-03-03_124019 2013-03-03_124029 2013-03-03_124040

Now you can import them as diffuse texture in 3ds max.

That is all for this tutorial.Next, we will move to 3ds max.

Thanks for reading.If you have any question feel free to comments or mail me.